Buying the right crib mattress guarantees a reasonable level of safety and comfort for your little one.
After buying a crib, the next thing to shop for is a mattress that is good and durable. There are a ton of mattresses to buy and choosing one can be daunting to some parents.
If you came across Pottery Barn crib mattresses and you are wondering if they are good or not, this article will reveal everything you need to know about the mattresses.
Are Pottery Barn crib mattresses good and safe for babies? Must I use a Pottery Barn crib mattress on a Pottery Barn crib? Is Pottery Barn crib mattresses worth the price? Let’s dive in and answer these questions.

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Are Pottery Barn Crib Mattresses Good?
Pottery Barn crib mattresses are good and safe for babies because they are GREENGUARD Gold certified. They are made from layers of natural cotton and premium foam for maximum safety and comfort.
Whether it is the Lullaby crib mattress, Lullaby Supreme, Lullaby Studio, or any other mattress from Pottery Barn Kids, they are breathable to allow free airflow. This takes away any suffocation hazard of a baby sticking his/her face in the mattress.
Also, Pottery Barn crib mattresses weigh less, making it easy to change mattress sheets.
When buying a mattress, the key thing to look out for is that the mattress should fit snugly and should be comfortable. This is because we want to give our babies natural and healthy sleep, and avoid any risk of suffocation.
Related: Are Pottery Barn cribs made in the US? (Find out)
Can I Use A Pottery Barn Crib Mattress On Other Cribs?
You can use a Pottery Barn crib mattress on other cribs as long as it fits snugly. Pottery Barn crib mattresses are standard size with dimensions 27 1/2 inches wide, 52 inches long, and 6 inches thick.
If you own an IKEA crib or any standard crib from other brands, you can use the Pottery Barn crib mattress on it. However, you have to check the dimensions to be double-sure that it will fit the crib.
Nevertheless, I always like to recommend buying your crib mattress from the brand you bought your crib. Doing that would take away the puzzling issue of whether the mattress will fit in the crib or not.
Even though standard crib mattresses are meant to be used on any standard crib, I have seen a few cases where a mattress didn’t fit snugly. Therefore, you need to be sure before choosing a mattress for a crib. If it means putting a call through to the company, it is worth it.
Recommended: Does Naturepedic mattress fit Pottery Barn cribs?
Do Pottery Barn Crib Mattresses Have Infant and Toddler Surfaces?
Pottery Barn crib mattresses are 2-stage mattresses meant for babies and infants. This is a crucial feature to look out for when buying a mattress for your child.
There is always an indicator on the mattress to show you which side is for babies and which is for toddlers. The side for babies is usually firmer while the side for toddlers is softer (has a foam cushion).
When To Flip A Pottery Barn Crib Mattress?
Flipping a Pottery Barn crib mattress to the toddler side is usually done when your baby is 12 months old. At this age, your baby’s organs are getting stronger already and can sleep on a somewhat soft surface.
However, the 12-month mark is just a suggested timeframe as there is no fixed time to flip a crib mattress. It all depends on your child’s growth and development.
Some may do the flipping earlier, while for others, it may take longer than 12 months. If you are having a sleepless night about it, simply consult with your pediatrician for the best advice.
Related Article: Are crib mattress covers safe? (Read this first)
Are Pottery Barn Crib Mattresses Worth The Money?
Buying a Pottery Barn crib mattress is worth it because the product is made from premium materials. The truth is, spending any money on your child is worth it as long as you can afford the product.
Pottery Barn crib mattresses are of different prices, depending on the one you want. While some PBK mattresses go for $200, others can go for as high as $300 – $400.
Investing in a good mattress is worth it because that’s where your child will spend most of his/her early years. However, you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars before you can find a durable and good mattress.
If you have a PBK crib, it is always recommended to get a crib mattress from PBK because the mattresses are specially made for their cribs. Although some other crib mattresses still fit in Pottery Barn cribs.
How Long Can I Use A Pottery Barn Crib Mattress?
You can use a Pottery Barn crib mattress for your child till he/she is 3 to 4 years old. At that age, you should start looking for a wider mattress that will give your child enough space for sleep.
There is no fixed time to stop using a crib/toddler mattress. If you notice the mattress is not too comfortable for your little one anymore, you can transition to a twin bed.
The goal is to give your child the maximum safety and comfort needed. If you think he/she is not too safe or comfortable in a toddler mattress, make the switch to a bigger bed.
Does Newton Mattress Fit In Pottery Barn Cribs?
A standard Newton mattress will fit in Pottery Barn cribs because they have almost the same dimensions. The mattress platform for Pottery Barn cribs is meant to accommodate standard mattresses from any brand.
When using a mattress on a crib, just ensure the gaps between the mattress and the crib is not much such that a baby can’t be trapped in it. Usually, the gap should be less than an inch.
For example, if the width of the mattress platform of a crib is 28 inches and the mattress has a width of 27 1/2 inches, you can use the mattress since the difference is just half an inch.
Except there is a defect or error in dimensions (which could rarely happen), the Newton standard mattress should fit Pottery Barn cribs or other cribs.
If you weren’t sure whether Pottery Barn crib mattresses are good enough, this article must have given enough reasons to buy them. As long as you have the funds for the mattress, it is never too expensive for your child.
Pottery Barn crib mattresses are good and safe for kids. They are made of high-quality materials, which means you can use them for a long period.