Virtually every parent is talking about the amazing innovative idea Doona puts in the baby industry. With the Doona all-in-one car seat stroller, transitioning from a car seat to a stroller is like a breeze.
But like it’s always said, for every product with great advantages, there’s likely to be one thing to disrupt the product from attaining 100% perfection.
For the Doona car seat, could it be its weight that is disrupting its 100% perfection? Well, you will find out as you read on in this short article.
Is the Doona car seat heavy? How does the weight of the Doona car seat compare to other infant car seats? Is the weight of the Doona car seat a heavy turn-off? These are a few questions we’ll answer as you read on.
Recommended: How good is the Doona car seat?

Table of Contents
Is The Doona Car Seat Heavy?
The Doona car seat is heavier than a regular infant car seat, but it is not too heavy for an adult to lift up.
Since Doona is a car seat and stroller combo, you would expect that it should be heavier than the traditional infant car seat.
The only time you will have to carry a Doona car seat is when bringing it in and out of your vehicle, and if you need to go up or down the stairs. Besides these two scenarios, you don’t have any business carrying the Doona car seat.
Doona has a built-in stroller, which makes it easy for parents to ride with their kids without an extra stroller in their car trunk. In less than a minute, you’ll have converted a Doona car seat into a stroller.
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How Much Do Doona Car Seats Weigh?
The Doona car seat weighs 16.5 lbs. If you are looking for the most lightweight infant car seat on the market, then the Doona would not be your best choice.
Averagely, an infant car seat weighs about 8 – 9 lbs, which is almost half the weight of the Doona car seat. There are infant car seats that are as light as about 5 lbs, such as the Nuna PIPA Lite R.
However, the weight of the Doona car seat is justified because it is a combination of both a car seat and a stroller. When thinking about the Doona car seat, you must understand that it is more than just an infant car seat.
Therefore, considering the versatility of the Doona car seat, it is not expected that Doona will rival other conventional infant car seats in terms of weight.
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How Much Does The Doona Car Seat + Base Weigh?
The Doona car seat base weighs 10.4 lbs. Since the Doona car seat itself weighs 16.5 lbs, therefore, the combined weight of both the Doona car seat and the base is 26.9 lbs.
You may not need to worry about the weight of a car seat base because you don’t need to carry the base from one place to another. Once the base is installed, it is permanent for the time being until you decide to uninstall it.
Therefore, the weight of the Doona car seat without the base is 16.5 lbs, while the weight of both the base and the car seat is about 26.9 lbs.
Related: Is the Doona car seat only for infants?
Comparing The Weight OF Doona Car Seats With Other Traditional Infant Car Seats
Before purchasing the Doona car seat, you must understand what you want. Doona is more than just an infant car seat, it is a combination of a car seat and stroller.
Also, if what you want is a traditional infant car seat, you must understand that you will need a separate stroller to ride with your kid around. A traditional infant car seat is only meant to be used inside the vehicle.
Comparing the Doona car seat stroller and a traditional car seat, you should understand why the latter is heavier than the former.
Therefore, if you are looking for a lightweight car seat, you should consider brands like Nuna. However, car seat brands such as Nuna don’t produce a car seat and stroller combo (you will only get a car seat).
If you want a combination of a car seat and stroller, you have no choice but to go for the Doona car seat because Doona is the only brand that manufactures such a car seat, at least for now.
Summary: The Doona car seat is heavier than the traditional infant car seat. However, the Doona has a 2-in-1 function – can be used as an infant car seat and also a stroller.
Conclusion – Should You Buy The Doona Car Seat Considering Its Weight?
Buying a Doona car seat totally depends on what you want. No doubt, the Doona offers two great services, something a traditional car seat won’t give to you.
However, you should also understand that you can only use Doona car seats for at most 24 months. Some parents even complained about using it for just 12 months because of the growth rate of their babies.
Therefore, while the Doona car seat stroller can solve two things at a time, its duration of use is short. You will still need to buy a regular stroller as your child grows.
conclusively, if you are skeptical about the Doona car seat because of its weight, I’ll say go for it without looking back because its weight won’t be a concern to you – You only need to lift up the car seat on a few occasions.
But if you are considering the duration of use of the Doona car seat, then it’s a good cause to consider. You can only use it for a maximum of 2 years, lesser in most cases.